Sunday, April 5, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hello everybody! Well its been super busy on our end lately, hence the lack of posts for awhile. To start off with the biggest news, Liz's sister packed up and moved to Korea! She got a teaching job there for one year. Her trip started off a bit rocky when we got into a car accident in Seattle on the way to the airport. We were all okay but a little shaken up. We arrived at the airport on time and sent her off without any more problems. She will be coming home for about a week to attend our wedding but will be going back to finish up her year.

Also, other big Maya was born! Maya is Joel and Angelas second little girl and she is such a good baby. Nick and I went up to the hospital to see her and she is just adorable. Liz also was able to go to the final adoption hearing where things were made official! They are so blessed to have two little angels...

We went with our friend Dash to go see an awesome concert in February...Brad Paisley! We were super close and Liz even got to touch his boot :) It was a lot of fun; here are a few pics...

Megan and Sam got engaged which was exciting news so Liz has been doing some dual dress shopping with her! It was fun to be able to try on our wedding dresses together, its not often that people get to do that! We ordered from the same shop so when Megan bought hers, I tried mine on as well.

We also went to Kacee's "Pink 30th Birthday Bash" and had a lot of fun. Everyone wore pink and we played a rousing game of Win Lose or Draw! We had some good food, drinks, and a good time.

Well, we hope everyone is well and we will try to keep this thing updated a little more often so we dont have mile-long posts every time :) We are getting closer and closer to our wedding date so Im sure we will be updating you on all of the progress! Oh, by the way, Nick and I have our confirmation coming up this Easter weekend...wish us luck and we will let you know how it goes!

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