Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No more hospitals!

Well we just came off of a pretty stressful week! I ended up in the hospital last week from a severe migraine which really has not let up much. I had a CT scan done to check for bleeding but luckily it turned out negative. I suffer from migraines quite regularly but I have never had anything quite like this. Since my hospital visit I still havent felt well so I will go back for more testing this week.

We received a call on Saturday from Nicks sister Sam who said that their brother Andy was hit by a car in Port Angeles. Of course we were freaking out watiting to hear the details because she didnt have any to give us other than it happened. After many phone calls we found out that Andy broke his leg in two places and his head hit the windshield of the car. We were concerned with possible head trauma but luckily Andy's head wasnt affected. We made a quick trip over to Port Angeles on Sunday to visit him and he seemed to be in good spirits which was good. Please keep him in your prayers as he recovers.

Also, Nick is struggling with the issue of possible budget cuts for the next year and is worried about losing his job. Please also pray for him to keep his job! Its so hard listening to the news anymore because of all the negativity floating around with financial issues.

On a positive note, my sister got accepted for a teaching position in Korea and will be leaving in April for an entire year. It is an exciting opportunity for her and I know that she will do great. She will also be able to come home for a couple of days for the wedding which is good news. Lets hope that the next post will have some better news to entertain you all with! Take care!

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